Monday, 6 August 2007

hand emerging, colour and composite test

Here is a coloured composite test following on from trace and then one of the colouring meth0ds which worked.

hand emerging, colored, composited from Jamie Page and Vimeo.

The three third years at the head of the film:

Tom Mead - Director[as well as background and layout artist/colourer/compositer]

Annette Mohr - Animator [as well as character designer/cleaner-upper/tracer /shadower/colourer], and myself,

Jamie Page - Animator [as well as special effects animator/cleaner-upper/tracer /shadower/colourer/compositer]

We all worked in part for this scene with Annette producing some fully coloured tests, and Tom setting up the initial composite and backgrounds.

We used Toon Boom Encore to do the main colouring, and then put each frame through Adobe Photoshop to smooth out the gradient (yes it took a while :'( ) and then I finished compositing in Adobe After Effects.

Any comments greatly appreciated.

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